Northern Lights Public Schools is pleased to announce the following changes to school leadership teams in the Cold Lake area for the 2024-2025 school year:
- Jason Whaley, currently Principal of Nelson Heights School, will become Principal of North Star Elementary School.
- Kim MacLeod, currently Principal of North Star Elementary School, will become Principal of Nelson Heights School.
- Twila Moore, currently Assistant Principal at Cold Lake Junior High, will become Assistant Principal at Cold Lake Elementary.
- Nicole Coben, currently Assistant Principal at North Star Elementary School, will become Assistant Principal at Cold Lake Junior High.
“It is important for our administrators to gain experience working in different school environments, including different age and grade levels of students,” said Superintendent Rick Cusson. “We are also committed to building strong leadership teams at our schools to ensure we are meeting the needs of our students and providing them with an environment where they can learn and excel.”
There will be three Assistant Principal positions that need to be filled in Cold Lake for the 2024-2025 school year - one at North Star Elementary School, one at Nelson Heights School, and one at Cold Lake High School. These are being advertised and information will be shared with stakeholders once those positions have been filled.