Summer School

Registration for Summer School 2025 will open in May 2025. Check this page in the spring for updates to important dates and course offerings for 2025.

Summer School 2024

Northern Lights Public Schools is pleased to offer Summer School from July 3 to 25, 2024. Summer school runs Monday to Thursday on the dates stated above. 

This program is open to all NLPS students who have completed grade 9 through to grade 12 as well as high school students from other school divisions throughout the province.

Summer School 2024 will be delivered via NLPS Outreach Schools in Bonnyville, Cold Lake and Lac La Biche

Schools and teachers will be available Mondays to Thursdays 9:00 am to 12:00 pm and 12:30-3:00 pm with a break from 12:00 to 12:30 p.m. for lunch. There will be no classes on Fridays! 


If you don't see the answer to your Summer School included in the information on this page, please email

Expected Check In Dates

Days we are expecting students to contact their teacher

For 5 credit courses:

  • July 9
  • July 17
  • July 23
  • July 25 - All exams and coursework must be handed in and completed on this day

Final Exam and last day of support: July 25

For 3 credit courses: (may vary)

  • July 4
  • July 10
  • July 16

Final exam: July 18 

Timelines and Important Dates

April 19, 2024 Intent Form is shared for students to indicate what course they are interested in taking
May 10, 2024

Intent Forms Due

May 15, 2024

Registration Opens via School Engage

June 26, 2024

Registration Closes

July 3, 2024

First day of Classes/Support
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Lunch 12:00 - 12:30 pm

July 9, 2024

Date to have first module handed in 

July 25, 2023

Final Day of Classes
9:00 am - 3:00 pm

All work and exams must be handed in or completed on this day.


Please Note: Registration for Summer School 2024 is now closed. 

NLPS Students

Current NLPS students can register by logging into their PowerSchool Student Portal account in a web browser (applications cannot be submitted through the PowerSchool app).

Once you have logged in to your Student Portal account, click on the School Engage icon on the lower left hand side. The Summer School Registration Form will be visible when School Engage opens.

Application Tips

  • Students need to apply using their PowerSchool Student account, not their parent's Parent Portal account. This requires a separate Username and Password. If you do not have a student account set up, please ask your school's administrative assistant for help.

  • School Engage cannot be accessed through the PowerSchool app. To apply for Summer School you need to log in to the Student Portal in a web browser, preferably on a computer. Link: PowerSchool Student Sign In

Out of District Students

Students who are not currently enrolled in an NLPS high school, can apply for Summer School through School Engage.

Fee Payment

To finalize your summer school registration, you will need to pay your fee. 

NLPS student fees will be $25. For students from outside NLPS, the fees will be $50.

Payments can be made through School Cash Online between June 13th and June 29th. Payment must be received by June 29 to participate in the program.

If you do not already have a School Cash Online account, please follow the instructions on our website to set one up:  School Cash Online Instructions.  

You will be contacted by June 29th  to confirm whether or not we are able to offer the course during the upcoming session.

Is Summer School for You?

  • Can you physically be present to take the exams/tests at the school sites (exams should happen once a week)?
  • Are you able to commit 4-5 hours per day 4 days a week to work on your course work at the school site, at home or by contacting the course teacher for support?
  • Are you able to complete your first module by July 9, 2024?
  • Did you fail a course and want to retake it or upgrade your mark in the course? Workload will depend on your final mark and work completed during the regular school year. Likely, you will not have to redo the entire course.

You should not take Summer school courses if:

  • You are going travelling or will be out of the area for the month of July
  • You cannot commit to the check in days and timeframes required for the successful completion of courses.

In an effort to support students and families, NLPS Summer School will provide some flexibility with regards to student instruction.  Through our experience, Summer School students are most successful when they attend in person each day.  However, for some courses, a hybrid of independent learning at home and in person instruction will be possible.  All courses are completed through modules or course packs of essential learning outcomes and with teacher support as needed in-person, or through an online communication tool like Google meet, email, or phone.  If a student falls behind they will be required to attend face to face instruction, upon the discretion of the summer school Principal. All  tests will be required to be written in person at one of our Outreach School locations.

Students must work regularly on their courses, submitting work weekly in the summer term and adhere to the provided timelines. Students should check in or contact their teacher at least twice a week if not in the building.

If you are a student that has utilized special accommodations for course work or exam writing under the Alberta Education guidelines at your regular school, please be advised that we are unable to provide those same provisions in our Summer School Program. Summer school compresses a semester's worth of course material into 14 days (approximately 84 hours) and requires a student to commit to 5-6 hours of course work each day in building or at home.  Your teachers do not have additional hours in the day to supervise special accommodations.  It is very important that you understand both the limitations and expectations of the summer program before registering. Please note there are no Education Assistant Supports because Summer School is not a mandatory program and is a program of choice due to the accelerated nature of instruction and longer school days. All students will have access to Speech to Text and Read and Write for Google for most instructional materials.

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

  • English Language Arts 10, 20, 30 (-1,-2)
  • Social Studies 10, 20, 30 (-1,-2)
  • Math 10 (C,-3), 20 (-1,-2,-3)
  • Science 10, 14, 24
  • PE 10- 3
  • CALM 20
  • Competencies in Math 15
  • Work Experience 15/25/35
  • Workplace Safety (HCS 3000)
  • General Psychology 20
  • Forensic Science 25-3/35-3
  • Foundations of Industry 35-5

Students can earn up to 10 credits in Summer school.

It is recommended you only do 1 core 5 credit class or 

You can take multiple 3 credit courses if you wish.

For example: you could do a Calm 20/ Phys 10-3/ HCS3000 and Foundation of Industry 35 for a total of 10 credits.

If you are doing Work Experience you can earn up to 10 credits which would require 250 hours of work.

All Summer School communication will take place via the NLPS student email and School Messenger. Summer School students please make sure you are checking your NLPS school email daily as this is how you will gain access to teachers and classroom support.

If you don't know how to access your NLPS email, please ask the school you are currently enrolled in or make sure that you get a quick tutorial on the first day of Summer School on July 3, 2024.

When your registration is processed for NLPS Summer School, you will be assigned an NLPS school email that will give you access to the classrooms and teacher communications.

We will support you on July 2, 2024 to log in and access your email address.

Please check it daily as all Summer School communication will come through this email

We will look at your marks and completed work from your regular High School to determine what outcomes you need to redo. It will vary from case to case but very likely you will not have to retake the entire course to pass the class.

It is highly recommended to attend everyday and teachers will be on site from 9:00 am till 3:00 pm for support and instruction. The more you attend the more successful you could be. As long as you are following your timeline and successfully completing and passing the assignments, you have some freedom with your attendance to be determined through discussion with your teacher and work completion. If you are not completing work in a timely and effective manner then you will be required to attend every day.

YES!!  As long as you finish the assigned work/modules or work packs and write the exams, you can complete the course as quickly and successfully as you wish. Please note if it is a Diploma level class, you will have to write the Diploma exam in August to fully complete the course (dates and times noted below).

The NLPS summer writing centers are: 

  • Bonnyville Outreach School
    5006 - 50 Avenue, Bonnyville, AB

  • J.A. Williams High School
    8702 - 91 Avenue, Lac La Biche, AB

Exam Schedule

Thursday, Aug. 1 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.

English Language Arts 30-1 Part A
English Language Arts 30-2 Part A

  1 p.m. - 4 p.m.

Francais 30-1 Partie A
French Language Arts 30-1 Partie A

Friday, Aug. 2

9 a.m. - 12 p.m.

9 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Social Studies 30-1 Part A

Social Studies 30-2 Part A

Tuesday, Aug. 6 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Mathematics 30-1
Mathematics 30-2

  1 p.m. - 4 p.m.

Social Studies 30-1 Part B
Social Studies 30-2 Part B

Wednesday, Aug. 7 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.

English Language Arts 30-1 Part B
English Language Arts 30-2 Part B

  1 p.m. - 4 p.m.

Francais 30-1 Partie B
French Language Arts 30-1 Partie B

Thursday, Aug. 8 9 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Chemistry 30

  1 p.m. - 4 p.m. 

Biology 30

Friday, Aug. 9 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Physics 30

  1 p.m. - 4 p.m.

Science 30

All students are provided with up to double the official time noted above, if they require it.

The PDE schedule is set by Alberta Education and cannot be changed or altered to meet your summer plans.

It will be Module based assignments to cover the outcomes. You will track your activities and adventures that you do outside of school hours. It is a bare bones Phy Ed class that is designed for those looking to get the minimum requirement of 3 credits for the High School diploma.

Here's everything you need to know:

  • Having a Job: You should already have a job lined up for the summer. It's time to put those skills to work!
  • Tracking Hours: We want to make sure you get credit for your hard work. The best way to do this is by emailing your pay stubs to our workplace coordinator at
  • Credit Requirements: You can earn at least 3 credits for 75 hours of work experience. But if you're really motivated, you can earn up to 10 credits for 250 hours!
  • Attendance: You don't have to come into the building for Summer School unless you're dropping off paperwork or picking up materials. Just keep an eye on your school email for any updates from our summer school work experience coordinator.


Paperwork Checklist:


  1. Complete the HCS 3000 course before you start.
  2. Fill out the Summer School Work Experience booklet with your employer's help by July 24, 2024.
  3. Submit your hours every two weeks or monthly, depending on your pay period, to
  4. Your employer will need to provide at least one evaluation to determine your final grade. This evaluation is included in the Summer School Work Experience booklet.
  5. You can earn and submit hours until August 22nd, 2024, as long as the main paperwork is turned in by July 24th, 2024. 

Summer is a great time to learn and grow through work experience. Make the most of it!

The Registered Apprentice Program (RAP) is an opportunity for high school students to earn high school credits and post-secondary experience that carries into the trades and periods of learning.

Not applied for Blue Book yet

If you have a trades placement but not have applied for your blue book yet this is what you need to do:

  1. If you are placed at a placement and under a journeyman as their Apprentice then you would go to the website:
  2. You will require your Alberta digital ID account to be active.  You will also need the name and contact information of your journeyman. If you submit this application the journeyman will be emailed documents to confirm that you are the Apprentice and then your blue book will be processed.  This could take 3 to 6 weeks. We can assist with this if you book a time with us.
  3.  Once your application has been approved you will get an AIT (  apprenticeship industry training)  number on your acceptance letter- the Summer School Rap Coordinator will ask for this number.
  4. Submit your hours every two weeks or monthly, depending on your pay period, to
  5. Your employer will need to provide at least one evaluation to determine your final grade. This evaluation is included in the Summer School Work Experience booklet.
  6. You can earn and submit hours until August 22nd, 2024, as long as the main paperwork is turned in by July 24th, 2024. 

Have your Blue Book in Hand

  1. Submit your hours every two weeks or monthly, depending on your pay period, to
  2. Your employer will need to provide at least one evaluation to determine your final grade. This evaluation is included in the Summer School Work Experience booklet.
  3. You can earn and submit hours until August 22nd, 2024, as long as the main paperwork is turned in by July 24, 2024