Student Achievement Plan

Division Priority One: NLPS Will Increase Student Achievement

Our Priority

Northern Lights Public Schools is committed to enhancing and supporting instructional practices to improve the numeracy and literacy skills of all ECS to Grade 6 students, and is committed to providing all Grade 7 to 12 students with enhanced instruction and programming to ensure a learning pathway that leads to success. 

Our Outcomes

Outcome One - Kindergarten to Grade 6 Students: In alignment with Outcome One of the Alberta Education business plan, Alberta’s students are successful, Northern Lights students will achieve the acceptable standard in literacy and numeracy foundational skills with enhanced and supporting instructional practices. Measurement tools for the numeracy and literacy priority will include the performance measures identified below.

Outcome Two - Grades 7 to Grade 12 Students: In alignment with Outcome Three of the Alberta Education business plan, Alberta’s students have access to a variety of learning opportunities to enhance competitiveness in the modern economy, Northern Lights students will express high levels of satisfaction in supports provided by Learning Pathway Advisors (academic counsellors) and the programming offered. Measurement tools for the numeracy and literacy priority will include the performance measures identified below.

Our Definition

Student achievement entails students meeting or exceeding established learning outcomes, and obtaining the knowledge and skills, as well as receiving diverse programming opportunities, to successfully complete high school and transition to post-secondary training or employment. Acceptable standard is defined as:

  • for grades 1-3 those students not deemed at risk 
  • for grades 4-5 those students who are at grade level
  • for grades 7-8 those students who meet the acceptable standard on division-based Common Assessments
  • for grades 6 and 9 those students who meet the acceptable standard on Provincial Achievement Tests
  • for high school students those who meet the acceptable standard on Provincial Diploma Examinations.

Plan for Implementation 

Performance Measures

For numeracy for Kindergarten to Grade 6 students the performance measures will include:

  • Provincially-mandated Grade 6 Math Provincial Achievement Tests 
  • Grade 4-5 Norm Referenced Assessments to be determined
  • Grade 1-3 Provincial Numeracy Screening assessment

For literacy for Kindergarten to Grade 6 students the performance measures will include:

  • Provincially-mandated Grade 6 ELAL Provincial Achievement Tests
  • Grade 4-5 Norm Referenced Assessments to be determined
  • Grade 1-2 LeNS assessments
  • Grade 1-3 CC3 assessments

Results will be reviewed each year at the school and division levels.


Professional Learning & Resources

Northern Lights is committed to the successful implementation of the new curriculum through a multifaceted approach. This includes assisting teachers in developing comprehensive year plans that align with the new curriculum, and investing in essential resources such as Mathology subscriptions and Do the Math resources. Vertical surfaces have also been purchased to create interactive and engaging learning environments, and funds have been allocated to provide professional learning in Building Thinking Classrooms. Teachers are also empowered with the autonomy to select resources that best fit their instructional strategies. An optional summer institute offers additional intensive professional development opportunities.

The division's human resources are a crucial component of these strategies. The Director of Learning - K-6 Instructional Support oversees the implementation of instructional strategies and curriculum development. To further support teachers, the division employs two learning consultants who provide ongoing professional development and work alongside teachers, while Student Support Team Coordinators manage resources and support services for students. Administrators and teaching staff lead and deliver instructional programs, supported by educational assistants who enhance classroom instruction and student learning.

In collaboration with University of Lethbridge Professors Pamela Adams and Carmen Mombourquette, Northern Lights is enhancing its instructional leadership through generative dialogue. Professors from the university are brought in to train new administrators and the Central Office Leadership Team (COLT), enhancing their skills in using generative dialogue to improve classroom instruction. This partnership ensures that instructional leadership is a central focus for administrators, ultimately enhancing classroom practices for teachers.

Each school within Northern Lights is developing and implementing school-specific strategies as part of their improvement plans. These strategies are aligned with divisional actions and tailored to meet the unique needs and demographics of each school, ensuring consistency with the overall goals and initiatives of the division.

Literacy Data and Targets

Grade Level Assessment Number of Students at Risk Sept. 2022 Number of Students at Risk June 2023 Number of Students at Risk Sept. 2023 Number of Students at Risk June 2024 Target for June 2025
Grade 1 CC3 31.5% 27.4% 25.3% TBD 25%
  LeNS 33.3% 25% 28.6% TBD 24%
Grade 2 CC3 35.7% 36.6% 31.13% TBD 30%
  LeNS Not Administered Not Administered 31.3% TBD 30%
Grade 3 CC3 36.4% 28.5% 31.1% TBD 29%
Grade 4 To be determined n/a n/a n/a n/a TBD
Grade 5 To be determined n/a n/a n/a n/a TBD


Grade 6 ELAL PAT (Total Enrolled)

Acceptable 2022-23
(Old Curriculum)

Acceptable 2023-24

Target 2024-25
(New Curriculum)

Excellence 2022-23
(Old Curriculum)
Excellence 2023-24 Target 2024-25
(New Curriculum)
  75.1% Not Writing 77.1% 9.6% Not Writing 10.6%

Numeracy Data and Targets

Grade Level Assessment Number of Students at Risk Sept. 2022 Number of Students at Risk June 2023 Number of Students at Risk Sept. 2023 Number of Students at Risk June 2024 Target for June 2025
Grade 1 Provincial Numeracy Screening 33.1% 35% 31.4% TBD 30%
Grade 2 Provincial Numeracy Screening Not Administered Not Administered 36.7% TBD 34%
Grade 3 Provincial Numeracy Screening Not Administered Not Administered 24.4% TBD 23%
Grade 4 To Be Determined Not Administered Not Administered Not Administered TBD TBD
Grade 5 To Be Determined Not Administered Not Administered Not Administered TBD TBD


Grade 6 Math PAT (Total Enrolled) Acceptable 2022-23 (Old Curriculum) Acceptable 2023-24 Target 2024-25 (New Curriculum) Excellence 2022-23 (Old Curriculum) Excellence 2023-24 Target 2024-25 (New Curriculum)
  54.6% Not Writing 56.6% 7.9% Not Writing 8.9%


Plan for Implementation

Performance Measures

For this priority, the performance measures will include:

  • Grade 9 Provincial Achievement Test
  • Grade 7 and 8 Common Assessments
  • Grade 12 Provincial Diploma Exam
  • Percentage of students who complete high school in 3, 4, or 5 years.
  • Number of students enrolled in Dual Credit Programs (using the number of participants in 2023-24 as base data)
  • Alberta Education Assurance Survey measures: 
    • Percentage of teachers, parents, and students who are satisfied with the overall quality of education at school
    • Percentage of teachers, parents, and students who are satisfied with access to support and services at school.
    • Percentage of teachers, and parents who are satisfied with work preparation for students.
    • Percentage of students and parents who agree that students are engaged in their learning at school.

This aligns with Outcome Three of Alberta Education’s business plan - Alberta’s students have access to a variety of learning opportunities to enhance competitiveness in the modern economy


Professional Learning & Resources

Northern Lights Public Schools is committed to ensuring that students in grades 7 to 12 receive high quality instruction and programming opportunities aligned with their learning pathways. To support this, the division is enhancing the role of Learning Pathways Advisors (academic counsellors) to better assist students and their parents/ guardians in selecting appropriate programs as they transition from high school to post-secondary education or employment. Programming will be enriched in areas such as Dual Credit Programming, the Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP), Work Experience, Land-Based Learning, and the use of the Mobile Trades Lab and Canadian Rockies Outdoor Learning Centre.

Northern Lights' resources are comprehensively structured to support these educational initiatives and student success. Human resources include the Director of Learning - Grades 7-12 Instructional Support, Learning Pathways Advisors, Student Support Team Coordinators, administrators, teaching staff, and Educational Assistants. Collaborations with institutions like Portage College, Olds College, Lakeland College, and Athabasca University, as well as partnerships with Careers The Next Generation and community stakeholders, further enhance educational offerings. Learning Consultants also play a pivotal role in providing professional development and instructional support to teachers.

Curriculum resources include a Mobile Trades Lab, which offers hands-on learning experiences, and the Registered Apprenticeship Program, which provides practical training opportunities. Additionally, CTF/CTS equipment has been enhanced to ensure Career and Technology Foundations/Career and Technology Studies programs meet current industry standards and student needs. Through this array of resources, Northern Lights is well-equipped to deliver a high-quality educational experience.

In collaboration with University of Lethbridge Professors Pamela Adams and Carmen Mombourquette, Northern Lights is enhancing its instructional leadership through generative dialogue. Professors from the university are brought in to train new administrators and the Central Office Leadership Team (COLT), enhancing their skills in using generative dialogue to improve classroom instruction. This partnership ensures that instructional leadership is a central focus for administrators, ultimately enhancing classroom practices for teachers. A focus of the COLT during school-specific dialogue will be student learning, instructional strategies, and student achievement. 

Each school within Northern Lights is developing and implementing school-specific strategies as part of their improvement plans. These strategies are aligned with division actions and tailored to meet the unique needs and demographics of each school, ensuring consistency with the overall goals and initiatives of the division.

Achievement Data and Targets

Grade 7 & 8 Common Assessments (Total Writing) Average Mark 2022-23 Average Mark 2023-24 Target for 2024-25
Gr 7 English 60.5% TBD 63.5%
Gr 7 Math 61% TBD 64%
Gr 7 Science 56.4% TBD 64%
Gr 7 Social 58.1% TBD 61.1%
Gr 8 English 69.5% TBD 72.5%
Gr 8 Math 61.1% TBD 72.5%
Gr 8 Science 61% TBD 64%
Gr 8 Social 61% TBD 64%


Grade 9 PATs (Total Enrolled) Acceptable 2022-23 Acceptable 2023-24 Target 2024-25 Excellence 2022-23 Excellence 2023-24 Target for 2024-25
Gr 9 ELAL 64.1% TBD 66.1% 3.4% TBD 4.4%
Gr 9 Math  45.2% TBD 50% 7.7% TBD 8.7%
Gr 9 Science 56.8% TBD 58.8% 9.9% TBD 10.9%
Gr 9 Social 44.8% TBD 50% 4.1% TBD 5.1%


Provincial Diploma Exams Acceptable 2022-23 Acceptable 2023-24 Target 2024-25 Excellence 2022-23 Excellence 2023-24 Target 2024-25
Biology 30-1 81.8% TBD 82.8% 18.8% TBD 19.8%
Chemistry 30 84% TBD 85% 19.1% TBD 20.1%
English 30-1 85.4% TBD 86.4% 5.7% TBD 6.7%
English 30-2 84.4% TBD 85.4% 8.6% TBD 9.6%
Math 30-1 58.7% TBD 61.7% 11.5% TBD 14.5%
Math 30-2 78.4% TBD 80.4% 10.2% TBD 12.2%
Physics 30 73.6% TBD 75.6% 22.6% TBD 24.6%
Science 30 86.3% TBD 87.3% 23.3% TBD 24.4%
Social 30-1 80.6% TBD 81.6% 4.2% TBD 5.2%
Social 30-2 74.6% TBD 76.6% 2.4% TBD 4.4%


High School Completion 2022-23 2023-24 Target for 2024-25
3 Years 70.9% TBD 72.9%
4 Years 79.9% TBD 81.9%
5 Years 86.5% TBD 88.5%


Alberta Education Assurance Survey 2022-23 2023-24 Target for 2024-25
Education Quality 85.1% TBD 87.1%
Access to Supports and Services 79.5% TBD 81.5%
Work Preparation 79.9% TBD 81.9%
Student Engagement 80.4% TBD 82.4%


Dual Credit Enrollment 2022-23 2023-24 Target for 2024-25
Number of Students 0 TBD TBD