General Information

- In compliance with the Traffic Safety Act, no luggage, equipment or tools (i.e. musical instruments, sporting equipment, etc.) will be permitted on the bus unless it can be stored under the seat with approval from the Bus Driver. The Driver and/or Contractor is responsible to ensure that any carried on objects will not become dislodged in an accident and may restrict those objects from being transported on the bus in compliance with this Safety Act. A guideline has been developed as to which instruments are allowed on the bus.
- Students may only be picked up or dropped off at pre-arranged and approved pick-up or drop-off points.
- Parents are encouraged to review Board Policy 20 - Transportation.
- Drivers are not required to transport individuals who are not registered and are not to add stops to the route to accommodate the student's personal activities (i.e. piano lessons, sports activities, baby-sitting, sleepovers).
NOTE: These guidelines are based on the Traffic Safety Act, the Education Act, and Division Policies and Guidelines.
The student's primary responsibility is to conduct themself in a manner which will not cause the driver to divert their attention from driving the bus.
The Bus Driver will report serious student misconduct to the Principal of the School. Any student who insists on misbehaving may be DENIED THE PRIVILEGE of riding the school bus or may be suspended from school. For violation of any of these rules, or in an emergency situation, the Director of Transportation may refuse to transport a student and will report this situation to the Principal as soon as possible.
- To reduce bus riding time, students are expected to be at their designated stop prior to the estimated arrival of the bus (5 minutes recommended).
- Students must stay off the travelled roadway at all times while waiting for the bus. Watch your step and use the handrail when getting on and off the bus.
- When it is necessary to cross the road, students must cross 15 feet in FRONT of the bus, under the guidance of the driver.
- Bullying, violent or aggressive behaviour will not be tolerated and shall be reported to the school Principal.
- Use of tobacco, e-cigarettes, alcohol, drugs or vulgar language is not permitted on the bus, at the bus stop, or at transfer points.
- While the bus is in motion students must be seated in a forward position and not stand, kneel or move about within the bus.
- Students must not throw or hand any object or part of their body out the bus window.
- The bus aisle and exits must be kept clear at all times. Animals, sharp or bulky objects MUST be transported by other means.
- Students are responsible for the seat assigned to them by the driver. Any damages to seating materials, interior finishing or glass shall be paid for by the offender(s).
- Students may talk quietly to the person beside them. Loud noises, shouting and disruptive noises from electronic devices are dangerously distracting to the driver.
- Students are required to wear cold weather attire during the winter months. Non-compliance will be reported to the school Principal.
- Students are requested to notify the driver when an absence is expected from school.
- No eating of food or drinking of beverages on the bus.
- Electronic devices deemed to be a distraction to the driver may be banned from use or exposure on the bus.
- The school bus is a public area. Visual and audio recording, by any means or form, by any devices, by students, is strictly prohibited.
- Students are expected to be respectful of others when boarding or exiting the bus; ensuring that younger students or students with disabilities are accommodated appropriately.
- There is an expectation that students will be respectful of the driver and follow their directions. Polite and thoughtful behaviour is an asset.
- Students acknowledge that video surveillance technology may be present on NLPS school buses and that video records may be used as evidence of inappropriate behaviour in disciplinary hearings.
- From time to time, unexpected disruptions in the regular scheduling of student transportation services may occur. Drivers will attempt to contact parents, however, notifications through the Bus Status App and/or division call-out system will serve as sufficient notice.
It is the parent's responsibility to ensure their children are aware of and adhere to the Student Transportation Guidelines and Regulations.
- Ensure that their children are at the bus stop on time. (Five minutes prior to estimated pick-up time)
- Accept responsibility for the proper conduct of their children prior to boarding a bus, during the daily trips, and upon drop-off.
- Ensure that their children are properly dressed in case of emergencies during cold or inclement weather.
- In emergent conditions (i.e. inclement weather, school closure, evacuation), ensure their children are aware of what procedures to follow.
- Provide the necessary supervision for their children when they are going to and from the bus stop.
- Inform the driver, by telephone if possible, when their children are to be absent from school or when they do not require busing for the morning or afternoon runs.
- Notification to cancel or delay any or all bus operations will be provided to through the Bus Status app, the division's website (, and the division's call out system.
- Parents are responsible for any damage to a bus caused by their children. Students may be suspended from riding the bus until such costs have been recovered.
- Instruct children to obey all traffic rules and regulations.
- If a student is causing a problem on the bus, parents may be contacted to assist the Principal and Bus Driver to correct the problem.
- Parents are encouraged to inform the driver of any pertinent health information regarding their children (i.e. life threatening allergies, medical conditions, etc.)
The driver's primary responsibility is to transport students to and from school.
- The driver is in charge of the bus, and their directions must be obeyed.
- The driver will maintain, as closely as possible, a time schedule for pick-ups, drop-offs and arrivals at school.
- In the event of student misconduct on the bus, the driver will inform the parent of the misconduct, to be followed with a written report to the Principal of the school concerned.
- The driver has the responsibility in the morning to suspend the operation of their route due to inclement weather, and will notify the Director of Transportation and all families on the route. The Director of Transportation will then notify all schools affected by the suspension of operation. Bus routes suspended in the morning will remain suspended for the entire day. Students who are driven to school by parents/guardians must be picked up by parents/guardians.