Thank you to everyone who has taken part in all of the Mental Health Week activities taking part at our schools. It is wonderful to see our students engaged in learning more about mental health, and the many strategies they can use to support their mental health and help others.
This month we are Celebrating Hope. Our Mental Health Team (Student Advocacy Counsellors and Successful Families, Successful Kids Wellness Coaches) will be focusing on hope with students in our schools this month. They have curated a list of activities and resources that families can use to learn more about hope at home.
Hope Activities
- Wellness Journals (Successful Families, Successful Kids)
Our Wellness Journals feature a number of prompts related to Hope. You can download and print these or use the prompts to start a conversation with the members of your family. - When I grow up I want to… (K to 3)
- What would it be like to celebrate something every day? (Grades 4-6)
- What can you teach other people? (Grades 4-6)
- Draw a picture of the last time you felt happy. What were you doing? (Grades 4-6)
- What does hope mean to you? (Grades 4-6)
- If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? (Grades 7-9)
- Describe your best day ever. Where would you be? What would you be doing? Are you spending the day with anyone else? (Grades 7-9)
- What age are you excited to reach? (Grades 7-9)
- 5 years from now, I will be... (Grades 7-9)
- When are you at your best? (Grades 10-12)
- Make a list of 10 things that make you smile. (Grades 10-12)
- List 4 things that you are looking forward to. One tomorrow, one this week, month and year. (Grades 10-12)
- What's one topic you need to learn more about to help you live a more fulfilling life? (Grades 10-12)
- Write a letter to your (future) grandchildren (Adult)
- What is the most rewarding thing about your job? (Adult)
- Bucket List (Adult)
- Let’s Capsule It! (Successful Families, Successful Kids)
Create a time capsule with your family to remember 2022. - Why I Can Do This (understood.org)
Activity to do with Middle School students - Two Stories (Character Lab)
Activity to do with High School students - Leaving My Mark (Plant Love Grow)
Activity to do with Elementary School students - Hope Rocks: How one student is spreading positivity in her rural community (Education NC)
Hope Resources
- Hope Skills (Successful Families, Successful Kids)
Take a few minutes to review the hope skills we can use at home. These are skills help us calm our brains, to reactivate our upstairs brains. Remember when we let our downstairs brain take over, we are not our best selves. When the downstairs brain is in control we feel things like anger, sadness, disappointment and hopelessness. When our upstairs brain is in control we feel things like happiness, motivation, and HOPE! - Fostering hope: How to build resilience in youth (Kids Help Phone)
Learn about hope and fostering hope and resilience in young people. - Kickstand
Youth-designed texting service to support mental health: Text 393939 to get started! - Hope for Wellness Help Line (Government of Canada)
The Hope for Wellness Help Line offers immediate help to all Indigenous peoples across Canada. - Hope by CAMH (Centre for Addiction and Mental Health)
Hope by CAMH is a free smartphone app that provides suicide prevention information, tools and crisis resources to support and guide individuals when they are experiencing thoughts of suicide. - Hopeful Things Others Want to Hear (Hope Studies Central)
Learn some language and phrases you can use when talking about hope. - Hopeful Things to Say to a Child (Hope Studies Central)
Upcoming Events
- Active Parenting
May 10, 1-3 p.m.
Learn how to communicate with children ages 5 to 12 years old, as well as cooperation and problem solving techniques. Register by calling Cold Lake and District FCSS at 780-594-4495. - Bonnyville Discovery Day
May 14, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. at the Bonnyville and District Centennial Centre
Come and meet the not-for-profit agencies that provide supports in the Bonnyville area. - Combined Digital Safety
May 17, 6:30 p.m. at the Bonnyville Parent Child Centre
Presented by the Dragonfly Centre and Bonnyville FCSS
Geared for ages 10 and up this session will feature information on cyberbullying, non-consensual sharing, and how we interact with others online.
To book your spot please call 780-826-2120. - Lac La Biche’s MMIWG Conference
May 18, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. at Portage College
Participants will hear from knowledgeable speakers on the MMIWG crisis, view local displays, and enjoy lunch together. This is a 16+ event. - Growing Minds
May 18, 25, June 1, 8 & 15 from 5-6:30 p.m. - Lac La Biche County FCSS
“GROWING MINDS” is a new program to help wire your kids brains for resiliency, gratitude, and self-love. During five weeks, we will guide the children through the growth mindset lessons and activities in their journals with the following themes: - 1# “Believe in yourself” and “Mistakes help you grow”
- 2# “Be persistent” and “Be grateful”
- 3# “Be Unique, be you” and “challenges make you stronger”
- 4# “Effort is key and Love learning “
- 5# “Be kind” and “Make a difference in the word”
For more information or to register email cornelia.fechner@laclabichecounty.com