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Wellness Wednesday - May 27, 2020

Welcome to another Wellness Wednesday! We would like to thank everyone who has been watching our videos, sharing our Mindful Minutes on social media, and accessing the resources we have posted on our website. If you have feedback you would like to share on the programming we have offered, or suggestions for things you would like to see in the future, please fill out this short SURVEY to let us know what you think.

Here are this week’s Mental Health learning opportunities for parents and families:

Parent Presentations

This week’s presentation focuses on Gratitude. It is presented by Successful Families, Successful Kids Wellness Coach Jenna Hupka. This video will be available for viewing until Wednesday, June 10. Gratitude

In case you missed last week’s presentation on Anxiety, here is the link. It will be available for viewing until Wednesday, June 3. Anxiety

quaranTEAM Connect

This week’s quaranTEAM Connect was created by Wellness Coach MacKenzie Martin. Click HERE to watch with your family! This video will be available for viewing until Wednesday, June 10.

Each week one of our Wellness Coaches will create a new quaranTEAM Connect video for families to watch together. Each video includes fun activities that promote mental wellness and connection. 

If you missed last week’s video you can watch it HERE. This video will be available for viewing until Wednesday, June 3.

Gratitude Chat

The theme of this week’s Wellness Chat will be “Let’s Grow with Gratitude.” Please join us on Google Meet tonight (Wednesday, May 27) from 6:30-7 p.m.!

Here is the link to join this week’s chat:

Mindful Minutes

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @nlpsab to see a Mindful Minute each Wednesday presented by one of our SFSK Wellness Coaches. Each Mindful Minute focuses on a different mindfulness technique to share with your families!

We will be sharing the videos from previous weeks on our website. Check out our Mindful Minutes page to see the Shoulder Roll Breathing video from last week!

Mental Health Links and Resources

Each week we will be sharing links to resources. Some will align with the week’s Parent Presentation or QuaranTEAM Connects videos. Others may focus on a different Mental Health topic. We will also be sharing printable resources created by our Mental Health team.

Here are this week’s links and resources:

  • Family Connection Conversation Starters - Week Three
    Use these questions to connect at meals, after activities, and at any available window of opportunity. You can even cut them out and place them into a family connect jar!

  • How Long is Your Breath
    A mindful breathing game to help practice taking nice slow, deep, controlled breaths.

  • Thankfuls
    Questions to help you reflect on what you are thankful for.

  • Gratitude Strategy - Mental Subtraction
    This strategy can boost our appreciation for the things in our life that we take for granted.

  • Circle of Control
    This tool can help you process your thoughts and feelings and make you aware of the tools you have to cope and handle different circles that arise.

Don’t forget to check out the resources in the Mental Health section of our website. We are adding new links and resources on a weekly basis.