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Wellness Wednesday - August 5, 2020

Thank you to everyone who took part in our Virtual Summer Camps in July! For August, our Wellness Coaches have created scavenger hunt videos. The scavenger hunts can be done individually or as a family. The link to the first one is included below.

For the 2020-2021 school year, we have chosen a wellness theme to focus on each month. The theme for August is Connections. Many students and parents have been missing the connections they have with other families through school and with our staff. This is a great time to start re-connecting with people you maybe haven’t seen or spoken with since schools were closed. Establishing connections with people your child will see when they go back to school may help ease any anxiety they have and help the transition go more smoothly.

It’s also a good time to work on executive functioning and establishing routines. Executive function refers to the skills we use every day to learn, work and manage our daily lives - things like memory and focusing, following directions, and self-control. Check out our links below for more information on how you can support your children with executive functioning skills.

Here are this week’s Mental Health learning opportunities and resources for parents and families:

Space Scavenger Hunt

Join Successful Families Successful Kids Wellness Coach Jenna Hupka on a space-themed scavenger hunt!

You can also download the list and directions on our website: Space Scavenger Hunt


Executive Functioning Resources


Summer Bingo Challenge

Our Summer Bingo - Mental Health Edition includes fun activities and strategies for cultivating mental health. Take a few minutes each day to complete one of the bingo squares. Complete all of the activities on the card and enter to win a prize! The deadline to submit your completed cards is Friday, August 21, 2020.

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to see our student volunteers take on our Mental Health and Numeracy challenges! We’ll be posting one video every day featuring one of the activities on our bingo cards. You can also view the videos as they are released on the 2020 Summer Bingo Challenge playlist on our YouTube channel.


Mindful Minutes

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @nlpsab to see a Mindful Minute each Wednesday presented by one of our SFSK Wellness Coaches. Each Mindful Minute focuses on a different mindfulness technique to share with your families!

We will be sharing the videos from previous weeks on our website. Check out our Mindful Minutes page to see the Personal Weather Report video from last week!


Additional Links and Resources

Don’t forget to check out the resources in the Mental Health section of our website. We are adding new links and resources on a weekly basis.