Welcome to Wellness Wednesday for the month of April. This month the division is focusing on Self-Awareness including self-esteem and self-reflection. We are sharing a number of resources that families can use to learn more about these topics and some activities that can be done at home to complement what our Student Advocacy Counsellors and SFSK Wellness Coaches are doing in our schools.
Self-Awareness Activities and Resources for Families
- Mad-Sad-Glad Libs (Great Kids)
Use these fun fill-in-the-blanks stories to help children learn about and identify feelings. - VIDEO: Increase your self-awareness with one simple fix
This TEDX Talk with Tasha Eurich explores how self-awareness impacts relationships, performance and leadership.
- How to Develop Self-Awareness with these 27 Exercises (Niklas Goke)
Information, videos, and activities focused on cultivating self-awareness. - Building Self-Awareness: 16 Activities and Tools for Meaningful Change (Positive Psychology
Information, questionnaires, activities, worksheets and tools, and book recommendations to help build self-awareness.
Other Mental Health Resources for Families
- CMHA Mental Health Week School Toolkit (CMHA)
Mental Health Week is May 3-9 and the Canadian Mental Health Association is encouraging everyone to #GetReal about how you feel. The school toolkit includes resources and activities for classrooms or at home. - Talking to Children About a Suicide (MHCC)
This new guide from the Mental Health Commission of Canada “is designed to help parents, guardians, and caregivers of children under 12 understand how to talk with them when a suicide occurs in their family or community. It was developed in consultation with experts and other stakeholders.
More Mental Health and Wellness Resources are available on our website, including COVID-19 resources, Successful Families, Successful Kids resources for families, and our Mindful Minutes videos! We are also in the process of archiving our past Wellness Wednesday messages.