Tanisi and Happy New Year!
We hope you had a restful and wonderful Christmas break! We are so excited to begin a new year, we look forward to making new memories filled with laughter and joy.
Last month we talked about gratitude, thank you to anyone who participated in the activities and tried to incorporate gratitude in both their own and their families lives! Gratitude is such a powerful tool in building a positive mind, and a positive mind plays such a large role in creating self-belief and pushing students to be the best versions of themselves.
This month our focus will be on self-care. Self-care consists of intentional things that we do for ourselves that can help us to feel comfortable, confident, and reduce the stress in our lives. Self-Care at Caslan School looks different for everyone! This could range from putting deodorant on in the morning to taking time out of our day for fun and games with classmates. It is beneficial for every person to take time to do things that helps them to reset and relax.
Here is a video that talks about what self-care can look like for kids! Self-care Just For Kids - Creative Touch Counseling Center. Teaching kids what self-care is when they are young can instill positive habits that they can practice as they grow older.
Below are some resources that may help both you and your children to understand self-care on a deeper level:
Kids Help Line - Looking after yourself Explains some of the important aspects of self-care and what you might notice if there is a part of your life that you have not been taking care of.
Mindful - Mindfulness for Kids Mindfulness, being present in the moment and not stressing about the future or the past is a skill that takes practice to become good at. This website provides meditations as well as mindfulness activities to try with your children.
For more resources, check out the Self-Care page of the NLPS website.
Connect with Our Student Advocacy Counsellors: Here for You
Need guidance or wish to discuss well-being? Our Student Advocacy Counselors are ready to help. Reach out at shelley.handel@nlsd.ab.ca or call 780-689-2118. Let's continue our journey of well-being and vitality together.
Here's to a January filled with vibrant health, joyful exercise, and peaceful sleep. Let's nurture a healthy lifestyle and embrace the year with vitality!