Calling all students! Help us spread holiday cheer by creating artwork to be shared on Northern Lights Public Schools' social media accounts during the Christmas season.
Contest Guidelines
- Artwork can be done in any medium, including digital;
- Original artwork (not copies) must be submitted. They will be returned once judging is complete;
- Entries must include the student's name, grade and school. FOIP forms will be distributed to the winners to be signed before the artwork is shown publicly and winners are announced;
- At least three winners will be selected and their artwork will be shared on Facebook and Instagram during the week of Christmas;
- Winners will receive a copy of their artwork printed on canvas.
The deadline to submit entries is Tuesday, December 6.
Entries can be submitted to Dallin Schmidt, Communications Assistant at the Division Office in Bonnyville (6005 - 50 Avenue, Bonnyville, Alberta, T9N 2L3) or emailed to communications@nlsd.ab.ca