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AP 601: Occupational Health and Safety


The Division values all who work, learn, visit and serve in the Division and is therefore committed to providing a healthy and safe working and learning environment for employees, students and others present on Division premises or participating in Division activities. The Division believes that responsibility for physical, psychological and social well being, and health and safety in general, is shared among the Board, Superintendent, employees, students, volunteers, visitors, contractors, and others who are present at Division worksites or participating in Division activities.

All staff have three basic rights: the right to refuse dangerous work and know that they are protected from reprisal, the right to know about workplace hazards and have access to basic health and safety information, and the right to participate in health and safety discussions and committees.


  1. In the interest of establishing and maintaining a healthy and safe workplace, the Division expects its employees and all others who work on Division premises or participating in Division activities to individually understand and commit to Occupational Health and Safety procedures and practices. All staff and others are expected to:
    1. Work safely, and approach their workplace responsibilities with a commitment to health and safety
    2. Take reasonable care to protect their own health and safety and that of all others present at the worksite
    3. Understand and comply with applicable legislation, regulations, and procedures for safe workplace practices, and have access to current and applicable Occupational Health and Safety legislation
    4. Be aware of and adhere site-specific health and safety procedures and practices applicable to their areas of work and responsibility
    5. Engage in and promote safe workplace practices, and improve health and safety measures where possible
    6. Understand that workers have the right to refuse work if they reasonably think there is an undue hazard at the work site or that particular work poses an undue hazard to themselves or others - as much as possible, workers must ensure their refusal does not endanger the health and safety of others
    7. Report and respond to incidents and injuries in accordance with Division procedures as outlined in AP 626 Staff Injury and Incident Reporting
  2. Senior Executive (Senior Management) are expected to:
    1. Demonstrate a commitment to the Occupational Health and Safety of Division employees
    2. Develop Division Administrative Procedures and practices related to the Occupational Health and Safety of Division employees
    3. Ensure adherence to relevant Occupational Health and Safety legislation, regulations, Division Administrative Procedures, and related practices
    4. Ensure the development and implementation of clear reporting procedures
    5. Ensure the development and implementation of hazard assessment procedures
    6. Ensure the establishment of a Joint Workplace Health and Safety Committee as required by legislation, support the work of the committee, and diligently consider and respond to any recommendations from the committee
  3. Directors (Management) are expected to:
    1. Support and comply with Occupational Health and Safety legislation, regulations, and related Division Administrative Procedures and practices
    2. Understand how Occupational Health and Safety procedures and practices are implemented and enacted in their departments / areas of responsibility
    3. Participate in the development and implementation of procedures and practices
    4. Ensure adherence to relevant Occupational Health and Safety legislation, regulations, and Division Administrative Procedures
  4. Principals and other leaders (Supervisors) are expected to:
    1. Understand and comply with relevant Occupational Health and Safety legislation, regulations, Division Administrative Procedures and practices applicable to their area of responsibility
    2. Develop, implement and maintain site-specific health and safety procedures and practices consistent with Division Administrative Procedures
    3. Ensure that the staff they supervise, students, and visitors to the site are aware of the site-specific procedures and practices
    4. Establish regular staff meetings to communicate and review relevant Occupational Health and Safety regulations, Division Administrative Procedures and practices, and site-specific procedures and practices
  5. Contractors and subcontractors undertaking work for the Division are expected to:
    1. As a part of their contract, comply with all relevant workplace Occupational Health and Safety legislation and environmental statutes to meet or exceed the Division’s program requirements
    2. Contractors must sign-in as per established school division procedures
    3. Contractors must follow all safety procedures established in the school or site
    4. Contractors must comply with staff instructions in the event emergency protocols are enacted
  6. Visitors and Volunteers present on Division premises or participating in Division activities are expected to:
    1. Support and comply with Occupational Health and Safety legislation, regulations, and related Division Administrative Procedures and practices
    2. All visitors and volunteers must sign-in as per established school division procedures
    3. All visitors and volunteers must follow all safety procedures established in the school or site
    4. All visitors and volunteers must comply with staff instructions in the event emergency protocols are enacted