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AP 516: Authorized Signatures


The Division believes in sound financial controls and only authorized personnel may sign on behalf of the Division.


  1. Cheques issued on behalf of the Division shall bear the signature of:
    1. The Superintendent, Secretary-Treasurer, Associate Superintendent - Teaching Quality and Professional Services or Director of Business Services for salary cheques.
    2. The Secretary-Treasurer or Superintendent or Associate Superintendent - Teaching Quality and Professional Services or Associate Superintendent - Programming and Curriculum or Associate Superintendent - Student Services and Indigenous Relations or Director of Business Services or Payroll Officer or Finance Officer for purchases.
  2. Contracts entered into on behalf of the Division shall bear the signature of:
    1. The Superintendent or designate for employment contracts,
      The Superintendent or Secretary-Treasurer or designate for corporate contracts,
    2. The Secretary-Treasurer or designate for contracts to purchase.
  3. Grant applications requested on behalf of the Division shall bear the signatures of the Superintendent and/or the Secretary-Treasurer or designates.