AP 560: Educational Partnerships and Sponsorships
The Division supports educational partnerships and sponsorships between schools and business/community organizations that:
- Allocate resources and volunteer services to complement, not replace, public funding for education;
- Enhance the quality and relevance of education for learners;
- Are based on shared or aligned objectives that support the goals and mutually benefit both parties;
- Acknowledge and celebrate each partner's contributions through appropriate forms of recognition;
- Ensure that those involved in the partnership are treated fairly and equitably;
- Clearly define expectations, roles and responsibilities for all partners;
- Measure and evaluate partnership performance to make informed decisions that ensure continuous improvement; and
- Ensure that corporate image or business practices are not in conflict with Division policies or beliefs
Educational Partnerships are mutually beneficial cooperative relationships in which partners share values; objectives; human, material or financial resources; roles and responsibilities to enhance learning for students.
Educational Sponsorships are defined as the provision of money, price reductions, equipment, materials, or services in exchange for product or company recognition for a specified period of time.
- When a School or the Division enters into a partnership or sponsorship agreement the following shall be considered:
- The partnership fosters the acquisition of employability skills, intellectual growth, improves mental and/or physical well being, or cultural or social awareness for students;
- The partnership is developed and structured in consultation with all partners;
- Partner organizations have a stated or written commitment to public education;
- Defined roles, responsibilities, and terms of the arrangement for all parties are identified; and
- Whenever possible, partner organizations are Canadian owned.
- To be valid all contracts must be executed by the Superintendent, or their designate.
- There shall be no personal benefit to any Division employee (e.g. kickbacks, gifts, monetary incentives, etc.) as a result of entering into the partnership.
- Partnership and sponsorship activities shall reflect Division and School priorities and the Ethical Guidelines for Business – Education Partnerships articulated by the Conference Board of Canada.
- Participation in partnership and sponsorship activities shall be on a voluntary basis.
- Principals shall:
- Consult with the School Council, parents, staff and students (when appropriate) in the identification, development and implementation of educational partnerships and sponsorships.
- Inform the Superintendent, or their designate, of any proposed involvement in any educational partnership or sponsorship.
- Forward all educational partnership or sponsorship contracts to the Superintendent, or their designate, for authorized signature as per Administrative Procedure 516 Authorized Signatures.
- The Superintendent, or his designate, shall:
- Provide advice and assistance to schools to support the development of educational partnerships and sponsorships;
- Maintain records of Division and school partnerships and sponsorships; and
- Serve as a contact for business and community organizations interested in partnering with schools.