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AP 543: Community Use of School Facilities


As a supporter of youth and community programs, Northern Lights School Division is prepared to make its property and facilities available for use by community or “not for profit'' organizations, groups of Northern Lights School Division students and employees, and partners in education. The rental or lease activity must not negatively impact upon the primary purpose of Northern Lights School Division Facilities -- the education of students. 

Agreements with local governments or facility owners, that promote cooperative use of school and community facilities, are encouraged. Responsibility for managing community use of the schools is delegated to the School Administration. Community use of school facilities shall be in alignment with expectations of students and, therefore, shall be a smoke-free, drug-free, and alcohol-free environment. 

Rental/lease rates will be determined on an incremental cost basis where incurred for school youth and community programs and at or near full market rates for all other profit oriented programs or uses. These rates are to be determined on an annual basis by the administrators of each region and shared with the Secretary-Treasurer.


  1. School activities and events will take priority over all public use of school facilities.
  2. In public use of school facilities, priority shall be given to local youth groups involved in an educational activity.
    1. Applications for the use of all facilities shall be made in writing on approved forms to the Administration of each school.
  3. Notwithstanding any supplemental fees that may be charged, where extra janitorial services are required, the group will be responsible to make payment for janitorial services through the school office.
  4. The fee and/or rental charge schedule shall be reviewed and approved by the regional principals on an annual basis and shared with the Secretary-Treasurer.  The rate should reflect the current rental rates charged by the local municipalities.
  5. When seventy-five percent (75%) or more of the participants in a non-recurring, non-school and non-profit activity are Division students, no fees are applicable.
  6. Each school site is responsible for booking facilities, collecting rental fees and security deposits, making arrangements for opening and closing of the facility, and returning any security deposits in whole or in part.
  7. Liability: The user shall indemnify and save harmless Northern Lights School Division from all liabilities, damages, costs, claims, suits or actions arising from:
    1. Any damage to the property howsoever occasioned by the use and occupation of the premises; or
    2. Any injury to any person or persons including death resulting at any time therefrom occurring in or about the premises or any part thereof or resulting from the use and occupation of the premises.
      Insurance: Without limiting the generality of the renter’s promise in the paragraph above, the renter shall maintain during the term of occupation of the rented premises comprehensive general liability insurance in an amount not less than $2,000,000.
    3. For groups or individuals that do not have insurance, it is possible to obtain coverage through the Division insurance provider.  In this instance, please notify the Secretary Treasurer who will provide additional information.
  8. Leases: The Administration of the school facility in conjunction with the Secretary Treasurer and the Director of Facilities will determine the space that is available to be leased for either short or longer terms.
    1. A representative of Northern Lights School Division and that of the organization leasing the space will sign a standard lease agreement.
    2. According to the provisions under the Education Act, lease agreements must contain exit clauses with 12 months notice or less, or not extend beyond 12 months.
  9. In communities that have more than one school, schools must ensure consistent rules for the use of school facilities in the community.
  10. Under the Municipal Governance Act, the Division must enter into Joint Use Planning Agreements with all local municipalities.  As part of this process, the Division may enter into Joint Use Agreements with other facility owners.
  11. The Division prohibits the possession and/or the consumption of drugs and liquor on school premises and smoking or the use of tobacco products in schools or on school property. Exceptions to this rule, will be reviewed on a case by case basis, which will be approved by the Board of Trustees or Superintendent, whose approval may be unreasonably withheld.
  12. All special requests due to unique circumstances must have prior approval by the Superintendent.
  13. Form F-543-1 and F-543-2 will be utilized when an individual or community group wants to use the facility.  Appendix A, attached to this Administrative Procedure, identifies the rental guidelines.