AP 513: Payroll Procedures
Payroll procedures must be established which are consistent with:
- The Division goals of efficiency and economy;
- The requirements of the School Act;
- Provisions of the certified staff Collective Agreement;
- Provisions of support staff Terms of Employment; and
- Provisions of established contracts or agreements.
Employees must be paid on a regular basis that is predictable.
- Payment of payroll for all staff, excepting substitute teachers and casual employees, will be by electronic funds transfer into accounts provided by the staff member.
- Payroll stubs will be emailed to established Northern Lights School Division (NLSD) individual staff member email accounts.
- During the months of September through June, electronic funds transfer of salary shall be as follows:
- Certified staff members (except for substitute teachers) will be paid on the 23rd of every month
- Support staff members (except for casual employees) will be paid on the 25th of every month with the exception of December which shall be paid before December 25th. Hourly paid support staff will be paid based on the hours worked from the 16th of the previous month to the 15th of the current month.
- Electronic funds transfer of salary (payroll) dates shall be circulated at the beginning of each year.
- Unless requested by the permanent certified staff member, as per the Collective Agreement, July and August salary transfers will be issued under the same terms as the September to June transfers of salary.
- Substitute teachers and casual employees will be issued payroll cheques following submission of month-end time sheets.
- Substitute teachers and casual employees may receive electronic funds transfer provided appropriate banking information is supplied to NLSD by the substitute teacher of casual employee.