The Division is committed to the recruitment and selection of qualified staff who are committed to working together to help every student learn and excel, committed to creating optimal conditions for student learning, and committed to maintaining the Division’s high standards.
The Division believes that hiring and retaining quality staff members is enhanced by fair and consistent employment practices that are consistent with employment legislation, Collective Agreements, the Terms of Employment, Board Policies and Division Administrative Procedures.
All staff employed by the Division shall be of exemplary character and possess the knowledge, skills and attributes necessary for each position or assignment.
- The employee recruitment and selection process shall ensure that the Division’s good reputation, positive public relations, and high standards are maintained, and that the processes are fair and consistent.
- This Administrative Procedure applies to all positions in the Division, with the exception of the Superintendent, Associate Superintendent(s), Director(s) and the Secretary-Treasurer, which are outlined in Board Policy 16.
- The employee recruitment and selection process shall be completed collaboratively between the Principal or Director and assigned Human Resources personnel.
- The role of the Human Resources personnel in the recruitment and selection process is that of coordinator and consultant to ensure all Division staffing needs, guidelines, policies and procedures, practices, and legislative requirements are met. Additionally, based on budget allocations and school/department needs, Human Resources personnel shall establish and communicate staffing allocations for each school and department.
- Unless filled through a transfer due to changes in staffing allocations, all permanent vacancies will be advertised and the most suitable candidate must be fairly selected from applicants.
- The Superintendent or designate may choose to waive any of these procedures in cases where holidays, available time, the chain reaction of vacancies, and exceptional circumstances affect the recruitment and selection process.
- All personal information collected during the recruitment and selection process shall be treated in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
- At least two references must be checked prior to any offer of employment, and all offers of employment are conditional on receipt of a current Criminal Record Check, including the Vulnerable Sector Check, that are satisfactory in the opinion of Human Resources personnel.
- In the event that an applicant could potentially be interviewed by a member of their immediate family (parents, spouse, siblings, or children), the interview and selection process shall be assumed by another individual in the school or department. In the event that an employee would fall under the supervision of a member of their immediate family (parents, spouse, siblings, or children), the supervision and evaluation of that employee shall be assumed by another supervisor in the school or department.
- All offers of employment must be approved by Human Resources personnel, and official offers and acceptance of employment shall be in writing.
- All initial appointments to staff shall be made:
- In the case of teachers, pursuant to Sections 206 (probationary), 209 (temporary) and 210 (interim) of the Education Act;
- In the case of CUPE employees, pursuant to the CUPE Collective Agreement;
- In the case of Terms of Employment and other support staff employees, pursuant to such probationary periods as may be established from time to time; and
- In the case of teachers assigned as Principal or Assistant Principal, pursuant to the ATA Collective Agreement and Section 202 of the Education Act. Further, at least one year of the initial appointment shall be considered a probationary period.
- All offers of employment shall include the condition that within a three-month period the new employee completes onboarding training as may be established by the Division from time to time.
- Human Resources personnel shall ensure that general staff onboarding / orientation arrangements are made for new employees. Specific position orientation for new employees shall be the responsibility of the supervisor.
- Teacher Hiring Information
- Teachers shall be recruited and selected by the Principal in consultation with Human Resources personnel.
- The interview team shall consist of at least two employees including the Principal (and Assistant Principal if applicable) and may include Human Resources personnel. A standard set of interview questions, along with school specific questions, shall be utilized for the interview. The final hiring decision will be made by the Principal in consultation with Human Resources personnel.
- All teacher contracts shall be pursuant to the ATA Collective Agreement.
- Professional teaching staff shall be employed as Division staff and assigned to particular schools as required.
- The specific teaching assignment / responsibilities shall be determined by the Principal of the school to which the teacher is assigned.
- Certificated substitutes shall be approved by Human Resources personnel. Applicants who have not previously worked / subbed in the Division, or who have not worked for the Division for two (2) or more years shall be interviewed as part of the approval process. Principals may be requested to assist with interviews.
- Permanent teacher vacancies will be advertised internally to allow teachers on a continuous contract to apply to those permanent positions as part of the teacher transfer process. If there are no suitable internal applicants, Principals may interview teachers on a temporary contract who expressed interest in the internal advertisement, or advertise externally in order to select and hire the most suitable applicant.
- Principal / Assistant Principal Hiring Information
- All schools must have a certificated teacher appointed as Principal to provide instructional leadership and to perform the functions as per Section 197 of the Education Act.
- Principals and Assistant Principals shall be assigned to a particular school and shall be subject to re-assignment by the Superintendent.
- Principal and Assistant Principal vacancies will be advertised and a selection process undertaken. At their discretion the Superintendent may initiate a procedure of transfers of administrative personnel between schools without initiating the advertising and competition process.
- Unless otherwise determined by the Superintendent, the interview committee will consist of the Superintendent, one other member of the Senior Executive Team, a local Trustee, and the Chair (or representative) of the local School Council. The Principal will be part of the interview committee for the Assistant Principal position, and the Assistant Principal, if applicable, may be part of the interview team for the Principal position. The role of the interview team is to provide input to the Superintendent, who makes the final hiring decision.
- The initial appointment for a Principal shall be for a one (1) or two (2) year probationary period. Thereafter, the contracts will be term and will automatically conclude at the end of the term without the need for any advance notice, payment in lieu of notice, or requirement to offer any extended, renewed or alternative Principal designation. Pursuant to the Collective Agreement, at the conclusion of five (5) years of principalship the Superintendent shall determine whether or not to provide the continuous Principal designation, or to end the Principal designation. In the event that the Principal is offered another term, they will be informed in writing prior to May 30th of the final year of the Principal’s administrative term.
- The initial appointment for an Assistant Principal shall be for a one (1) or two (2) year probationary period. Thereafter, the contracts will be term and will automatically conclude at the end of the term without the need for any advance notice, payment in lieu of notice, or requirement to offer any extended, renewed or alternative Assistant Principal designation. Pursuant to the Collective Agreement, at the conclusion of five (5) years of principalship the Superintendent shall determine whether or not to provide the continuous Assistant Principal designation, or to end the Assistant Principal designation. In the event that the Assistant Principal is offered another term, they will be informed in writing prior to May 30th of the final year of the Assistant Principal’s administrative term.
- The Principal shall be formally evaluated by the Superintendent, or designate, prior to the end of the probationary period and prior to the end of each term. Evaluations will be completed prior to extending another term, including permanent designation.
- The Assistant Principal shall be formally evaluated by the Principal or Superintendent, or designate, prior to the end of the probationary period and prior to the end of each term. Evaluations must include a recommendation regarding whether or not the contract should be extended another term.
- In the event of an unexpected or short-term vacancy, the Superintendent may appoint an Acting Principal or Acting Assistant Principal without initiating a formal selection process. Such appointments shall generally not exceed one year. Should the vacancy become permanent it will then be addressed through the normal hiring process.
- Support Staff Hiring Information
- Support staff shall be recruited and selected by the Principal or Director in consultation with Human Resources personnel.
- The interview team shall consist of at least two employees including the Principal or Director (and Assistant Principal if applicable) and may include Human Resources personnel. The final hiring decision will be made by the Principal or Director in consultation with Human Resources personnel.
- All Support Staff contracts shall be pursuant to the Terms of Employment, CUPE Collective Agreement, or Personal Services Contracts, whichever is applicable.
- The specific assignment / responsibilities shall be determined by the Principal or Director of the school or department to which the staff member is assigned, and shall align with the corresponding job description.
- Evaluations shall be conducted prior to the completion of the established probationary period.