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AP 355: Use of Restraints


Northern Lights Public Schools is committed to providing a safe and caring environment for all students. 

In rare circumstances student behaviour may result in the use of physical restraint or intervention in order to restore or maintain the safety of a student or the safety of others. Staff members are expected to use the least restrictive method of intervention to prevent a student from harming self or others with physical restraint being a last resort.


Physical restraint: is defined as the action of using physical force or intervention for the purposes of immobilizing, controlling or moving a student to interrupt or prevent behavior that is causing physical harm until such time as the student is capable of self-control or in a safe environment. This would not include developmentally appropriate, gentle physical guidance for children in Kindergarten or preschool programs.

Prohibited Practices

This procedure prohibits:

  1. The use of restraint, physical force or corporal punishment as a means of discipline.
  2. The use of restraint as a means of preventing behaviour that is not physically harmful.
  3. The use of restraint as a means of denying basic necessities including access to food/ lunch/water, use of bathroom or appropriate articles of clothing.
  4. The use of mechanical restraints to control a student or limit freedom of movement.


The use of physical restraint can be classified as either unanticipated or anticipated.

Unanticipated, or Unforeseeable, Use of Physical Restraint

In the case of the use of restraint of a student to interrupt harm to self or others, the following procedures will be followed:

  1. Where possible and reasonable, alternative, non-physical interventions are to be utilized in removing the imminent threat of harm.
  2. When physical restraint or intervention is necessary, the restraint shall not exceed that required to control the student and shall only be employed until such time as the student has gained self-control.
  3. The staff member(s) involved in the use of unanticipated physical restraint shall record the incident in ‘Log Entries’ and inform the school principal (or designate) on the day of the occurrence.
  4. The school principal shall ensure that parents/guardians are advised of each situation requiring unanticipated physical restraint of their child at the earliest opportunity.
  5. Each situation of unanticipated use of physical restraint will be followed by a debriefing. If the behaviour is deemed likely to reoccur, a behaviour support plan will be developed.

Anticipated, or Planned, Use of Physical Restraint

When the use of physical restraint of the student is deemed likely to occur on a repeated basis the following procedures will be followed:

  1. A Behaviour Support Plan or a Safety Plan will be developed in a manner consistent with Northern Lights Public School expectations related to the development of such plans. This includes informed and signed consent. In the event that parental consent is refused, it may be necessary to determine alternate school programming or placement.
  2. The Behaviour Support Plan or Safety Plan will define in specific behavioural terms when and how physical restraint procedures are to be used. The plan will include provisions for communication with parents/guardians about any occurrences of physical restraint.
  3. Staff members who may be required to use anticipated physical restraint procedures as part of the plan must be adequately trained in the use of physical restraint.The School Principal is responsible for ensuring adequate training for all individuals who are identified as having a role in restraining a student in a Behaviour Support Plan or Safety Plan.