The Superintendent believes determining both the need for, and correct means of, administering medication (prescription and non-prescription) are beyond the knowledge and responsibility of their staff. However, the Superintendent also recognizes exceptional situations may arise which may require one or more staff members to administer medication to a student. Accordingly, no staff member shall administer or distribute any medication except as provided in this procedure.
The intent of this Administrative Procedure is to promote the safe administration of medication to students by school staff and to provide for safe self-administration of medication by students.
In exceptional cases the administration of medication or medical treatment is to be limited to that which can be provided by staff who have received appropriate training from a qualified professional and written consent is provided by the parent of the student who requires the medication.
Administration: means the provision of prescribed medication to any student according to an authorized health care provider.
Medical devices mean the equipment provided to the student as authorized by a health care provider. These include catheters, bronchodilator inhalers, insulin injectors, Epi-pen injectors, etc.
Medication means drugs prescribed by an authorized health care provider. It includes prescribed or over-the-counter medications prescribed specifically for the student and provided by the student’s parent.
- While administering medication to students is not a responsibility of schools, staff members may be requested to do so. The administration of medication may be done only after:
- The use of medication is prescribed by a medical professional; and
- Other reasonable options, such as self-administration or parental administration, are determined to be impracticable; and
- A properly completed and signed Authorization for Administration of Medication (Form 317-1) has been received from the parent and approved by the Principal; and
- The Principal has determined that sufficient resources are available in the school.
- Parents must provide the medication or medical device to be administered by school staff to the Principal in its original container. The parent is responsible for the replenishment of medications or replacement of medical devices. The parent is also responsible for notifying the principal of any changes in, or the discontinuation, of the prescribed medication.
- The Principal can assign a staff member the responsibility to administer or supervise the administration of medication to students. Once assigned this duty, the staff member must be provided a copy of the parent’s written consent (Form 317-1) and a Medication Record Log Form (Form 317-2). Staff members are also to be provided training as needed in order to satisfactorily perform the administration. In the event that all staff members refuse to administer or supervise the administration of medication the duty will fall to the administration team or any currently acting administrator.
- The staff member who administers or supervises the administration of each medication must document each administration of medication, accurately updating the Medication Record Log Form.
- If a student refuses to take medication at school, each event must be documented on the Medication Record Log Form (Form 317-2) and parents must be notified. If the student continues to refuse to take medication, the parent shall be notified, and the parent will be subsequently held responsible for the administration of the medication thereafter.
- All medication shall be stored in a secure place.
- The Principal and parent shall be responsible for informing all personnel having direct responsibility for the student (including bus drivers) and alerting them to the student’s medical condition and the appropriate emergency procedures. Staff must respect the confidentiality of such information and the student’s right to privacy at all times.