The Division supports and encourages the provision of personalized educational programs in an alternative setting. Off-Campus and Outreach Schools are programs designed to provide students with learning challenges and a flexible alternative program which accommodates their personal learning styles and minimizes, as far as possible, challenges and barriers to high school completion. The Division believes four main components must be the focus for outreach programs:
Individualized Academic Programming
Through a variety of instructional tools, the individual learning needs of each student will be met.
Personal Health, Wellness and Life Skills Programming
Outreach Schools will provide programs which enhance self-esteem and self-confidence by teaching the students time management, problem solving, conflict resolution, effective communication, assertiveness, and goal setting. Fundamental to the aspect of program’s personalization is the trust developed between the student and the teacher, the students and other students, and the student and him/herself. The student will develop healthy life skills in recreation, fitness and leisure, budgeting, and personal decision-making. Developing healthy lifestyle choices and healthy living choices are primary goals on the program.
Mentoring and Personal Counseling
Students will be encouraged to seek adult advice and counseling in a non-threatening and safe environment that can meet their individual and personal needs and concerns.
Course and Career Counseling
Students will be provided with course counseling to ensure an optimal path toward high school completion. Outreach schools will also develop individualized career plans for each student which may include job shadowing, apprenticeship programs and work experience. Assistance with post-secondary transitions will also be provided.
An outreach school is an alternative learning program for potential and early school leavers. The program offers assistance for young adults to complete their junior and senior high school curriculum. It offers a holistic approach to education by considering the student’s total needs through counseling, recreation, living skills, and work projects. The intent of the outreach school is to re-engage returning students and encourage at risk students to work toward and reach high school completion status.
- Eligibility
Outreach programs are designed for “at-risk” students 13 to 19 years of age who meet the following criteria:- Students who have “dropped-out” and wish to return to high school
- Students who are working and cannot attend regular high schools
- Students who have personal, psychological or medical issues and cannot attend a regular high school
- Students who are currently operating below grade level and/or ability and/or have very uneven academic development
- Students who are pregnant or an actively parenting teen
- Students who have only a few courses to complete and need a flexible program
- Students who have been assigned to programming support as a result of disciplinary issues at the regular high school
- Enrollment and Selection Processes
Outreach Schools are program schools and designed to serve students’ special needs and/or circumstances. Thus, students intending to enroll in an Outreach School must meet certain eligibility criteria. Selection is heavily influenced by a student’s willingness to cooperate, commit to learning, and maintain regular attendance in the outreach program. Students transferring in from another Division high school program shall do so in consultation with an established transition team.
Outreach Schools will give priority to students currently enrolled within the Division. A waiting list for the program will be maintained. - Student Attendance
The student will:- Attend regularly and punctually;
- Demonstrate responsibility by contacting the outreach school by telephone when the student is unable to attend; and
- Where students are undertaking a home study or blended program, it is the responsibility of the student to maintain contact with the school to ensure program continuity. Normally, contact times and dates will be in the service agreement.
- Student Behavior Expectations
The student will:
- Be considerate and respectful towards others in the school including other students, staff, employers, and guests;
- Respect the rights of others to an education and sensitive to their unique special needs;
- Respect the decisions and suggestions for student improvement by the staff;
- Exercise common sense, courtesy and safety; and
- Ask for assistance as needed.
- Student Pride
The student will:- Take pride and responsibility in the care of the building;
- Foster a positive view of the school in the community;
- Use appropriate language in the school setting; and
- Remain drug and alcohol free. Outreach students are expected to be advocates of an addictions free lifestyle.
- Actions for Inappropriate Student Behavior
Consequences for a breech of school or Division policy or procedures will range from a warning and a problem solving session, to temporary or permanent removal of privileges. Students are expected to behave in a manner that does not interfere with the rights of others and does not bring discredit to the school within the building and within the community. - Student Assessment and Evaluation
- Assessment:
The student will be assessed in accordance with their individual learning plan. Examples will be written tests, portfolio samples, and oral tests. Certified teachers will use the principles of authentic assessment and assessment for learning to inform themselves and their students of learning successes and opportunities. - Evaluation:
The student’s mark will be determined by:- Meeting the Alberta Education Curriculum requirements for the course; and/or
- The achievement of the short and long term goals determined by the teacher and the student in the individual learning plan;
- Write Provincial Achievement or Diploma Exams as appropriate.
- Assessment: