Schools are required to make every reasonable effort at the school and division level to resolve disputes or concerns cooperatively and collaboratively with parents/guardians. If there is a disagreement between parents/guardians and the school with a decision related to the child’s educational programming, the first step is for the parent/guardian to talk to the teacher to try to resolve the concern. If the parent/guardian and the teacher are unable to resolve the issue, the next step is for the parent/guardian to talk to the school principal and/or assistant principal. Together with the teacher and school administration, most issues that affect a student’s educational programming should be resolved at the school level.
Should the teacher and school administration not be able to resolve the concern related to the educational programming of the child with the parent/guardian, either party may refer the issue to the appropriate Division Executive (Secretary-Treasurer or Associate Superintendent). If either party does not agree with the Division Office staff member’s decision, they should put their concern in writing to the Superintendent. If the concern is not resolved by the Superintendent, they may apply to initiate a board-level appeal. Parents/guardians and staff should make every reasonable effort to resolve disputes using the appropriate dispute resolution process prior to appealing to the Board of Trustees.
At any point during the process described above, if the dispute involves the immediate family (parents, spouse, sibling, or children) of the staff member the dispute is being referred to (teacher, administrator, Division Executive), an alternate individual will be assigned to try and resolve the concern.
Appeal requests are to be submitted in writing to the Secretary Treasurer and follow appropriate timelines as outlined in the Education Act. The Board of Trustees will respond in writing to establish a hearing date. The hearing date will comply with timelines as outlined in the Education Act. Prior to the hearing, appropriate documentation will be provided to the Board of Trustees (if applicable), Division Office Executives, and the disputant(s). At the hearing, the disputant(s) will have the opportunity to present his/her/their case to the Board of Trustees. After the hearing, the Board will notify the disputant(s) of their decision in writing. Parents/guardians maintain the option of appealing the Board decision to the Minister of Education in accordance with the process outlined in the Education Act.
The parent/guardian may request in writing that the Minister of Education conduct a Review by the Minister for specific decisions. Under the Education Act, the Minister may review a Board decision on a matter that the Board and parents/guardians have not been able to solve with respect to placement in an inclusive education program, francophone charter 23 issues, expulsion, home education matters, amount and payment of fees, accuracy or completeness of a student record.