The Division recognizes and supports that the use of computers, telecommunications, wireless devices, cloud and networked services provides staff, students and the community with unique and powerful ways to enhance teaching and learning.
For the purposes of this policy, the term “network” shall refer to the physical infrastructure as well as all other devices and services (hybrid cloud services, switches, routers, printers, servers, backup devices, wireless devices, IoT devices, BYOD etc.) connected to it.
IoT Devices: The “Internet of Things” devices, which could include but is not limited to wireless or wired media boxes, streaming media devices (google Chromecast, Apple Airplay etc.), building automation devices (SCADA), automated environment assistants (Google Home, Apple HomePod), automated task devices (internet connected fridges, coffee makers etc.)
G-Suite: Formerly Google Apps for Education (GAFE). A Google Cloud hosted set of Applications and Services such as a Word processor, spreadsheet, presentation maker etc. for use by students and staff to enhance education and business productivity.
BYOD: Bring your own Device.
Use of Information & Education Technology (ET/IT) and networks
- Purposeful use of ET/IT technology and networks:
- All students will have access to and use technology to enhance learning across the curriculum.
- All teachers will have access to and use technology to enhance teaching, planning, assessing, reporting, and personal/professional development.
- All schools and central services departments will use appropriate technology to enhance planning, communicating, financial management, and the flow of information.
- Services will be available to assist schools and services departments in formulating and implementing plans for technology.
- All schools and central services departments will plan effectively for technology integration and technology change.
- Division ET/IT technology must be used in ways that are consistent with the following principles:
- Inappropriate Use
Inappropriate use would include any activity that could compromise one’s position as a representative of the school and/or school division. Division technology is intended for educational purposes and for business purposes in the operation of schools and the Division. Personal use of electronic communication must not interfere or conflict with its use for work purposes. Division technology cannot be used for purposes that
are illegal, unethical or immoral. - Privacy and Personal Safety
Activities involving Division technology will, as much as possible, protect the privacy of personal information of all users and the personal safety of students. All users will be educated about ways that they can protect their own personal information and personal safety. Section 34 of the FOIP act requires us to protect personal
information that is in our custody or control by making reasonable security arrangements against such risks as unauthorized access, collection, use, disclosure, copying, modification, disposal or destruction. The use of key logging software and any similar software which compromises the privacy of an employee or student is
expressly prohibited. Staff using laptops must take steps to secure the data contained on the laptop. NLPS ET/IT Services will either implement or suggest software that encrypts the data for the purpose of reasonable protection from risk of loss.
In addition, students are forbidden to use a staff or NLPS business related computer or device due to the nature of the sensitive personal, learning or business related data that could be stored on the device. Staff are to ensure that their computer systems and devices are secure at all times; are used only by themselves or other approved users, and that passwords are not shared at any time. - Security of Systems and Information
Individuals using Division technology or other personal owned devices shall not compromise the security and integrity of data, and information stored on Division or school computer systems and devices. Individuals shall not attempt to compromise the network with Division Technology or personal devices on the network. - Network Etiquette
- Be polite. Do not get abusive in your communications to others.
- Use appropriate language. Do not swear, use vulgarities, or other inappropriate language.
- Do not engage in activities prohibited under municipal, provincial or federal law.
- Do not reveal your or any other person’s personal information (home address, phone number, passwords, photos).
- Do not reveal any passwords assigned to you.
- Electronic mail (email) is not private. People who operate the system do have access to all mail. Messages relating to or in support of illegal activities will be reported to the authorities and will result in loss of user privileges.
- Use the network and the internet in such a way that you will not disrupt the use of the network by other users.
- If you see a security problem on the network, report it to a system administrator.
- NLPS Cloud Services
Cloud services within NLPS are an extension of learning, productivity and communication tools outside of the classroom. The same policy, security of information, acceptable usage and etiquette standards that apply to internal NLPS network services also apply to NLPS Cloud Services. - Social Media
NLPS has a comprehensive social media procedure established, AP151. All of the procedure in the AP140 applies to the AP151. As well any procedure set forth in the AP151, applies to the AP140, as they both involve the use of technology and communication.
- Inappropriate Use
- Staff will blend thoughtful use of educational technology, electronic information and research skills throughout the curriculum from a pedagogical perspective while providing guidance and instruction to students in the appropriate use of such resources.
- Students are responsible for good behavior on school computer networks just as they are in a classroom or a school hallway.
- General school rules for behavior and communications apply on networks that are often public in nature.
- The network is provided for students for educational purposes, to conduct research and communicate with others.
- Access to network services will be provided to students who act in a considerate and responsible manner.
- All users, staff, students and volunteers, will be responsible and accountable for their use of Division technology. Due to network maintenance and performance monitoring and to ensure compliance with applicable laws and policies, all user activity may be subject to logging and review.
- Schools will request that students and their parents or guardians sign an appropriate use agreement (F140-1) that confirms their understanding of school and Division guidelines and procedures. The network is provided for students for educational purposes. Independent access to network services is provided to students who agree to act in a considerate and responsible manner. Access is a privilege and entails responsibility.
- Schools will request that all staff and volunteers annually review the Employee and Volunteers Acceptable Use of Technology guidelines F140-2. The network is provided to staff and volunteers to enhance business, teaching, planning, accessing, reporting and personal/professional development.
- The Superintendent expects staff to communicate with parents and guardians regarding independent student access to technology. Such communication shall include making available educational opportunities for parents and guardians to view, first hand, the technology being utilized. A discussion of expectations staff have for students when students work independently with electronic information resources will then ensue.
- Cloud services allow the extension of some NLPS resources beyond the classroom. As a result of this, parents are encouraged to emphasize digital citizenship best practices, and other social media safe practices to ensure the safety of students while using personal internet and digital devices to access school and personal information resources.
- Staff will provide developmentally appropriate guidance and instruction to students as they make use of technology and electronic information resources to conduct research and other studies related to the Division curriculum.
- All students will be informed by staff of their responsibilities as users of the Division network prior to gaining access to that network, either as an individual user or as a member of a class or group. Methods of informing students may include combinations of assembly announcements, class lessons, and newsletters.
- Staff may review files and communications to maintain system integrity and ensure that users are using the system responsibly. Users should not expect that stored files will be private.
- Extra care is required when using computer equipment that is equipped with built-in cameras. Users may not take pictures, publish, store or transmit pictures when doing so would constitute a violation of privacy in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
- While the Division feels that the network has great potential as an information source and communication tool and should be used in a variety of ways, the following are not to be permitted:
- Accessing inappropriate websites (obscene or threatening material, written or pictorial, including but not restricted to material which contains or promotes pornography, racial supremacy or ethnic hatred or violation of human rights)
** The IT department recognizes that accidental access may occur, however, this is clearly evident by the user’s actions in backing out of site and entry into correct site. - Sending or displaying messages or pictures that contain profanity, vulgarities, or any other inappropriate language, including sexual, racial, religious or ethnic slurs, or any abusive, threatening or otherwise offensive language.
- Posting personal information including photos or videos without the owner’s consent.
- Obviously harassing, insulting or attacking others
- Damaging computers, computer systems or computer networks
- Vandalism of accounts or systems including hardware
- Violating copyright laws
- Using others' passwords or sharing passwords with anyone besides a staff member
- Trespassing in others' folders, work or files
- Intentionally wasting limited resources
- Playing network intensive games, or using IRC (Internet Relay Chats)
- Downloading or uploading unauthorized, excessively large files (greater than 2GB capacity)
- Subscribing to inappropriate newsgroups
- E-mail or newsgroup correspondence inappropriate to educational purposes
- Any activity posing potential risks to oneself or to others
- Harassing other users (e.g., with unwanted e-mail messages)
- Illegal activity
- Activities that would violate school handbook policies
- Failure to report known security problems
- Any other inappropriate use or misuse of the system
- Employing the network for commercial purposes
- Making purchases that charge back to the system.
- Accessing inappropriate websites (obscene or threatening material, written or pictorial, including but not restricted to material which contains or promotes pornography, racial supremacy or ethnic hatred or violation of human rights)
- Responsibilities for Staff members or volunteers who supervise students using technology:
- A staff member is required to be present and be able to provide adequate supervision when any student is using the internet.
- All student use of the internet must be authorized by an NLPS educator.
- As a part of all internet lessons and periodically during other technology lessons, acceptable use of technology should be reviewed.
- All students must have a signed NLPS Acceptable Use Agreement form on file at their school before they can access any technology.
- Due to limits of bandwidth, security and privacy issues, activities must be limited to those activities that directly support the instructional process and are a part of approved lesson plans.
- Staff who observe a student violating the NLPS Acceptable Use Agreement form must report the student to the school administration.
- Students and Volunteers using personally owned devices, and or BYOD, on school property utilizing NLPS network services or their own personal network service, are expected to abide by the AP140.
- Staff have the same responsibility to be present and provide adequate supervision for personally owned devices and or BYOD.
- The Division expects violations of the above and other inappropriate technology uses will result in sanctions.
- Inappropriate use shall result in denial of device, network and service privileges (temporary or permanent).
- Additional disciplinary action may be determined at the school level in line with existing practice regarding inappropriate language or behaviour.
- Inappropriate use of network and service privileges may result in exclusion from a computer course option.
- When applicable, law enforcement agencies may be requested to become involved. Criminal prosecution as detailed in the computer crimes provisions of the Criminal Code of Canada.