AP 511: Senior Administrative Expenses
The discharge of senior administrative positions often results in the senior administrator incurring financial expenses and considerable time demands beyond the usual job expectations.
Compensation for senior administration expenses will be established using the same guidelines as for Board Member compensation of expenses.
Senior administration will be provided with use of a division purchase card. When possible, it is expected that out of pocket expenses will be done through the purchase card. Reimbursement of other expenses will then be subject to the following procedures:
- Expense reimbursement rates, which will be the same as for Trustees, will be established each year at the organizational meeting, but may be adjusted at other times by Board motion.
- Senior administrators will be reimbursed at the rates established by the Board as follows:
- When required to stay overnight, actual expenses (by receipt) for lodging, parking, and Division telephone business, or a pre-determined flat rate which will not require receipt substantiation; and
- Approved rates for required meals during extended days or travel away from the community of the individual’s assigned business office; and
- Travel by car; or travel by economy air fare.
- Compensation will be contingent upon the completion of the appropriate forms and claims.
- When staff members travel on Division business they shall use a Division vehicle if it is reasonably available. If the vehicle is available but the staff member chooses to use their own vehicle then the mileage claim shall be at the same rate as trustees claim through Policy 7.
- These same guidelines are to be used with other Division Office staff members when such expenses are approved by the Superintendent.