Numeracy Plan

Division Priority Two: NLPS Will Improve Numeracy in Students

Our Priority

Northern Lights Public Schools is committed to building a culture of numeracy, empowering learners, teachers and leaders to collectively shift their practice, giving meaning to mathematics as they improve numeracy skills and understanding of all students. This priority was established by the board after extensive consultations with students, parents and staff.

Our Definition

Alberta Education defines numeracy as the ability, confidence and willingness to engage with quantitative and spatial information to make informed decisions in all aspects of daily living.

Our Evidence of Improvement

Northern Lights students complete annual numeracy benchmark assessments using Canadian Achievement Test 4 (CAT4) and NLPS-developed Common Assessments, in addition to the regular classroom assessments that occur. Results are reviewed by schools each year. Additionally, Provincial, Numeracy Screening Assessments, Provincial Achievement Tests and Provincial Diploma Exams are used to monitor student progress

Our Actions

For All
Universal Supports -
Whole School

For Some
Targeted Support - Classroom Math
Instruction and Practice

For Few
Individualized/Specialized Supports and Interventions

Building Knowledge
and Capacity

Teaching, Learning
and Assessment


Improve and build a culture of numeracy in schools
Teachers engage in co-learning with our Learning Consultants (Numeracy series and Tools for Teachers series)

Support educators in the use of specialized population resources
Numeracy across content areas - empower all teachers to assume responsibility for enhancing numeracy understanding Design and provide mathematics learning opportunities focusing on curriculum expectations
Support educators with identifying timely and appropriate interventions for students needing additional support and gifted and talented students

Increase student confidence related to numeracy Use a variety of learning experiences to support problem solving
Create supports for educators in building safe, responsive and inclusive mathematics learning environments to reduce math anxiety

Support administrators as supervisors and leaders in numeracy
Develop increased understanding around the use of manipulatives and resources to enhance and support student learning

Using Nelson publication “Do
the Math” for Learning
Disruption intervention
Identify, learn about and implement research-based instructional and assessment strategies
Improve understanding of staff in relation to differentiating and personalizing learning experiences based on student needs

Provision of the learning loss
intervention grant led to the
assessment of Grade 2/3
students and addition of
supports to students
identified below grade level

Explore and integrate the innovative use of emerging technologies and resources to enhance and transform teaching practice and student learning experiences

Support the analysis of student learning to develop lessons that address student interests as well as strengths and needs  
Nurture a collaborative relationship with families to support effective learning environments
Parent/family/guardian resources - provide opportunities for families to engage in mathematics together to develop a growth mindset and positive disposition towards learning

Work with learners to be self-reflective and advocate for their learning
Include information and supports regarding mathematics in communications to parents/guardians


Guide division professional development planning

Provision of the learning loss intervention grant led to the assessment of Grade 2/3 students and addition of supports to students identified below grade level


“Building Thinking Classrooms”
- Peter Liljedahl - Professional development and learning strategies that work to incorporate numeracy across multiple curriculum

K-6 new curriculum
implementation of
mathematics program of
studies utilizing NewLearn
Alberta for PD and resources


Additional directors of
instruction in division splits, K-6 and 7-12, hired for 2023-24 school year and beyond



Our School Plans

As part of their improvement plans, each school in Northern Lights is implementing universal, targeted and individualized strategies to enhance support for students. These strategies align with divisional actions and are designed to meet the unique demographics and needs of each school.

Our Resources

Director of Instruction - K-6, Director of Instruction - 7-12, Learning Consultants, Student Support Team Coordinators, Administrators, Teaching Staff, and Educational Assistants.

Targets for Improvement

Since Covid, we have gone through a rigorous process of assessment to establish benchmarks in numeracy and capture data in a meaningful way. We are no longer collecting partial data and are moving towards establishing a more complete picture of students' skills and abilities in numeracy.